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Wire, ACH, and IRA Donations

Donating to Henry Street Settlement through stock or other securities allows you to have an immediate impact and beneficial tax benefits. By making Henry Street a beneficiary of your Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds, Excessive Life Insurance, or IRA, you will be providing life-changing support to New Yorkers in need. Talk to your Financial Advisory to explore the most impactful way to make a difference while maximizing your benefits. 


When your stock gift is transferred to our account, we do not receive any information that identifies you as the donor unless you connect with us. To ensure proper crediting and timely receipt of your acknowledgement letter, please contact Henry Street Settlement using the form below  and provide the requested donor information. After the form is received, we will follow-up with email instructions to process the donation. Questions? Please contact Amalia Manolagas at  or 212.766.9200 x2247


When your wire gift is transferred to our account, we do not receive any information that identifies you as the donor unless you connect with us. To ensure proper crediting and timely receipt of your acknowledgement letter, please contact Henry Street Settlement using the form below to provide the requested donor information. After the form is received, we will follow-up with email instructions to process the donation. Questions? Please contact Amalia Manolagas at  or 212.766.9200 x2247

Please note: This information is not intended as tax or legal advice. We recommend that you consult with your legal and financial advisors to learn how a gift would work in your circumstances.
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