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Job Essentials Training (JET) program is your number one resource for career support.

JET screenings are held during drop-in hours, Tuesday and Thursday, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. At the screening, you will meet with an employment coordinator who will introduce you to the program and determine whether it’s the right fit for your job journey. Remote orientations are also available. You will also have a chance to ask any questions you may have. In addition to job search & placement assistance, JET offers:

Career Counseling—one-on-one sessions helping you prepare for the workplace.

  • Interview & resume prep
  • Job coaching
  • Career planning & advancement support
  • Skills development
  • Trainings & certifications

Professional Development—specialized workshops and trainings based on YOUR needs.

  • Networking
  • Prioritizing your job search
  • Social media & professional communications
  • Navigating online job boards

Call 212.478.5400 or stop by our office at 178 Broome Street for more info.

On Ramps to Opportunities (ORO) is a workforce program specifically designed to equip people ages 18 to 24 with the tools they need to be successful in the workforce.

ORO looks not only at your job-readiness needs but at your educational, social services, and mental health needs. ORO offers:

Job Search Support

  • Interview & resume prep
  • GED classes
  • Introductions to employers
  • Job-training connections like building systems automation, security, and additional certifications
  • Assistance applying to college
  • Paid internships
  • Referral to mental health counseling

ORO participants are eligible to join regularly held one week ORO boot camps, where we explore in-depth the path to meeting your career goals. All participants receive a stipend. 

Call 212.478.5400 or stop by our office at 178 Broome Street for more info.

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