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Are you new to crowdfunding? Here are some tips for getting your campaign started on two popular platforms, Facebook and GoFundMe. If you need assistance please reach out to Sherilyn Blake at


You can set up your crowdfunding campaign on either Facebook or GoFundMe. 

  • Facebook allows your network of family and friends to see your fundraiser on their Facebook profiles automatically. The advantage is that it makes it easy for you to share your campaign with others on social media. 
  • GoFundMe requires you to email or text your campaign link to your network of family and friends. The advantages are that people who do not use social media have access to your fundraiser, and there are more options for personalizing your campaign.  

With both platforms, you are able to see who has donated (as long as they didn’t choose to remain anonymous) and track the total amount raised. Below are the instructions for both types of campaigns.

To set up a Facebook campaign: 

  1. Scroll down to “fundraisers” on the left-hand side of your homepage. (You may need to click “see more.”)
  2. Choose “Select Nonprofit.” 
  3. Search and select “Henry Street Settlement.”
  4. Customize your fundraiser using the options in the left margin: the goal amount, title, description, and even the cover photo are all options for you to personalize your campaign. See below for more help with this!
  5. Hit “Create” and then follow up with your network to raise awareness about your fundraiser — a personal touch can make a big difference.

To set up a GoFundMe campaign: 

  1. Select “Start a GoFundMe” in the upper right hand corner. 
  2. Select “A nonprofit or charity” as who you’re fundraising for.
  3. Fill out your information and select Henry Street Settlement as your nonprofit beneficiary.
  4. Customize your fundraiser with a title, goal amount, photos, and a short narrative about why you’re raising money for Henry Street. See below for more help with this!
  5. Launch your campaign! Share the link with your network to raise awareness about your fundraiser — a personal touch can make a big difference.


  • Share what Henry Street means to you. Customizing the title, description, and the cover photo not only informs your network about the work we do, but also lets them get to know you better.
  • Consider including details about your involvement with a specific Henry Street program; a personal story of how you came to know Henry Street will convey to your family and friends that their support of your fundraiser is important to you.
  • Include a picture of yourself or photos from Henry Street programs, which we are happy to share with you.


  • Consider your audience; that will help you set an achievable campaign goal.
  • Create an outreach plan. Some may respond better to a text message rather than an email. Thinking about this ahead of time will help maximize the impact of your outreach. 

THANK YOU for supporting Henry Street Settlement. We could not do our work without you!

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