Celebration & Graduation
By Henry Street Settlement
Henry Street Settlement’s Young Adult Internship Program (YAIP) celebrated as the most recent cohort graduated, having successfuly completed the rigorous youth employment program. The graduation ceremony was held at Henry Street’s historic headquarters on Friday, October 31.
A cohort of 27 participants completed the program, and six of them have already secured jobs through a variety of employers including Macy’s, the Distrikt Hotel, and by the AIDS Healthcare Foundation.
Bloomberg Associates’ Linda Gibbs, former New York City Deputy Mayor of Health and Human Services and Commissioner of the New York City Department of Homeless Services, proudly addressed the young graduates at the ceremony.
The Young Adult Internship Program serves 17- to 24-year-olds who are not currently enrolled in school or working. The program provides young adults with opportunities to develop work skills that will help them transition to productive careers. It also connects youth to educational/social services, case management/counseling, job placement and/or enrollment in GED classes, college or advanced training.