Art Show Raises Over $1.1 Million for Henry Street Programs
By Henry Street Settlement
The 25th Annual Art Show, which opened March 5 and ran through March 10 at the Park Avenue Armory, raised more than $1.1 million for Henry Street’s vital social service, arts and healthcare programs. Six spectacular art works — including a drawing by Henry Matisse — raised $52,000 in the show’s silent auction.
The glittering opening-night Gala Preview, a “don’t-miss” event on New York’s cultural and social calendars, drew a crowd of nearly 2,000 individuals, among them philanthropists, business and civic leaders, celebrities and art lovers. Honorary Chairs of the Gala Preview were Agnes Gund, Ronald and Jo Carole Lauder, and Lisa and David T. Schiff. Co-chairs were Beth O. Canavan, Aby Rosen and Samantha Boardman, and Byron and Anita Volz Wien.
“This year’s Gala Preview was an especially memorable one,” said David Garza, Executive Director of Henry Street. “As we celebrated the show’s 25th anniversary, we were thrilled to welcome both new and longstanding supporters, including members of the Schiff family, descendants of philanthropist Jacob Schiff whose financial support created the Settlement in 1893.”