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Henry Street Settlement’s mission is to open doors of opportunity for Lower East Side residents and other New Yorkers through social service, arts, and health care programs. The organization is distinguished by its commitment to listening to and learning from our neighbors—and then acting to meet the most pressing needs of our community.

To meet those needs, we offer more than 50 programs to people of all ages through our Abrons Arts Center/Visual and Performing Arts, Employment, Education, Athletics & Enrichment, Older Adult Services, Health & Wellness, and Transitional & Supportive Housing divisions. These vast programs range from preschool to Meals on Wheels delivery, job-readiness training to mental health counseling, and supportive housing to theater performances. We encourage you to visit our program pages to learn more.

In all we do, we’re guided by the blueprint left by our trailblazing founder, Lillian Wald, who believed:
Each of us is whole and worthy.
Poverty is a social issue (not an individual failing)
There is power in bridging differences.
Neighbors matter.
In times of need, act.

Click here or above to watch “Baptism of Fire” about Henry Street Settlement’s past, present, and future.

Henry Street has a staff of 450 full-time and 400 seasonal employees, an active Board of Directors, partnerships with several organizations and a burgeoning alumni network. Click below to learn more.

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